Wednesday, March 26


Privacy & Cookies:

OnePennyTourist uses cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse traffic. These cookies share information about your use of this site with it’s social media, advertising and analytics partners.

OnePennyTourist stores no personal information directly about it’s visitors – all data is held by external partners (ie Facebook, Amazon)

That’s the official cookie blurb – in normal person speak, that means I have external links on my blog for advertising and affiliates purposes and those businesses are the people who collect your data via cookies, not OnePennyTourist.

Sponsored posts:

In the event that I write a post which relates to something discounted, complimentary or sponsored for the purpose of review then I will always disclose this somewhere in my post.

It is my intention to be as fair and impartial as possible when writing under these circumstances. I do highly value trust as I believe it is key to having both happy clients and happy readers – besides, who wants to live a lie?!

Obviously some experiences are deeply subjective and even the best hotel or restaurant can have a bad day, however I will always strive to keep my own personal opinion honest.

My ‘real life’ job:

If you’ve read my About Me page you’ll already know that I’m a self-proclaimed Disney nerd.

I was made redundant from my job at the end of 2013, and like many people in that situation I took a long hard look at the work I’d been doing for the last 20+ years. I decided that if ever I was going to make that jump from a job that simply paid the bills to doing something I actively enjoyed, then it was now.

A new career for me in travel

Therefore I decided to go the self employed route, move into the travel business and become an Independent Agent working with a US travel agency; this agency is also an Authorized Disney Travel Planner.

2014 marked the first time in my life I was able to wake up and look forward to work and I now use my love and deep knowledge of Disney to help create tailor-made itineraries for people planning a Disney Cruise or a Walt Disney World trip. I’m more than a Travel Agent, I’m a Personal Travel Planner.

That all said, while I don’t plan to hide the fact that I’m a Travel Planner, OnePennyTourist is a strictly personal blog and is not intended to be a glorified advertisement for myself. Moving into the travel business is a decision I’ve come to appreciate more and more and the bottom line is that I simply love to talk about not just Disney travel, but all kinds of travel.

Any views and opinions expressed here are absolutely my own and do not in any way represent the travel agency I work with, nor do they sponsor or otherwise influence any posts I write here (unless otherwise stated).
