Wednesday, March 26


Add A Little Luxe To Your Travel: Let’s All Be VIP’s

Add A Little Luxe To Your Travel: Let’s All Be VIP’s

Ho, ho, ho! Christmas is nearly here, but it's not all Turkey and Mince Pies as Christmas is a prime time to get together with family and start thinking about those all important travel plans for the new year ahead. Some people consider their holiday starting on arrival at their destination, but not me - nuh uh - soon as my front door shuts, that's the beginning of my adventure. Today I'm happy to share this Guest Post with you, as it fits with my own travel philosophy; the journey is part of the fun. Besides, who doesn't want a taste of VIP life! :) Happy planning (and let's all be VIP's)   Image credit: NeonShot/ Love them or loathe them, airports are usually quite unavoidable when it comes to travel. Yes, there are other modes of transport but t...
WTM London 2015: My Day At The World Travel Market

WTM London 2015: My Day At The World Travel Market

Blogging, Other
This week ExCel, London is home to the WTM London 2015 - one of the most important travel trade exhibitions in the world. It's not open to the general public so I thought it might be fun to share some 'behind the scenes' work I do on the blog and a hint at what you may be reading about in future. This was my first WTM and naturally I was a little nervous - to say this event is huge is an understatement. However I knew that I would be meeting lots of new people and sourcing tons of awesome future content, so I was excited too! Visiting the WTM London 2015 To ease myself into things gently I began with Visit Denmark, who'd I'd worked with this summer when writing about our Copenhagen Card experience. As luck would have it, I also met the owner of the Absalon Hotel where we'd stayed ...
10 European cities you didn’t know you wanted to visit, a mini-birthday and techy trauma

10 European cities you didn’t know you wanted to visit, a mini-birthday and techy trauma

Europe, Other
It's been an interesting week. It started with a mini-blog-birthday, yup, OnePennyTourist is now 6 months old! I know, right? They grow up so fast *dabs away a tear* It was also the week my blog 'fell over', going offline for about 8 hours. Apologies if you couldn't access the site (more tears). The cause was a mystery, but hopefully just a blip. Despite this week being a little busy though, I found a new toy called Listly, which, (and you'll never guess this), allows you to make lists, hehe. But they are pretty lists, and I really love that I can make slideshows for you all now! So just for fun: 10 European cities you didn't even know you wanted to visit. You may be familiar with two as my ego meant I included myself, haha, but there are 8 other cool cities to explore. See some...
10 Travel quotes to inspire your wanderlust

10 Travel quotes to inspire your wanderlust

Bucket List, Other
I've been super excited about my recent Nordic trip and so am kinda exploding (messy) due to wanting to talk about it all and share my photos. I also know that could turn me in to a bit of a bore. So, today I thought I'd do something just for fun. As I don't have any definite travel plans to look forward to at the moment, I've instead been feeling a bit creative and have produced these little inspirational travel quotes - because who doesn't like to look at pretty photos and get distracted by day dreams? Let me know what you think of them :) Ps. these measure around 7"x7" and are high resolution so you are more than welcome to download and use these as free printables for your desk, fridge etc! 10 Travel quotes to inspire your wanderlust!   I'd happily swap places with t...