Stavanger Norway: A Step Back In Time
If you've missed the story so far, this summer I went on an 11 night Disney Magic cruise. Leaving from Copenhagen, we then travelled to Oslo and Kristiansand before arriving at Stavanger Norway, our third and final port of call before heading to Iceland.
Our all ashore was at 7:30am and all aboard 12:45pm, making it our briefest port of call. We didn't want to do the ship excursion to the famous Pulpit Rock as we prefer to do that sort of thing DIY and the short time in port made that too risky.
Instead we planned to find the cathedral and explore Gamle Stavanger. This compact port is perfect for cruisers who like to stay independent - we didn't even have a map.
Stavanger Norway: A Step Back In Time
Heading in the direction of the Petroleum Museum required walking beside a fair...